Many of us love music, and if you speak English as a second language, then it must be very difficult for you to understand what a song says. So, in order to get the lyrics for almost any song, you need to download and install LyricsGetter. This wonderful freeware program enables you to search for the lyrics of your favorite songs by their title and artist or you can simply specify the MP3 song that you want and the program will smartly extract the title of the song so you don't have to type it. Once you click the search button, a list of matched singers will be returned, when you select the singer, another window will appear showing a list of songs which match the title that you were searching for.
The program allows you to save the returned lyrics as a text file and to directly print them using your preferred printing device. The font, text size and alignment for the resulting song lyric can be adjusted easily. In addition, this new version of the program (V 1.4) has the ability to grab the video clip of the song that you are searching and play it for you in a separate window.
By configuring the program's general options, you can set the program to stay on top of all windows, show the program in the taskbar and the system tray.